
Showing posts from June, 2023

Unleashing Potential: Indus International School Pune's Journey Beyond Academics

Introduction Education is not just confined to textbooks at Indus International School Pune ; it is a dynamic journey that extends far beyond the traditional classroom. At Indus, we believe in nurturing every student's unique strengths and talents through a rich tapestry of co-curricular activities. With a focus on arts, music, dance, drama, sports, and innovation, Indus International School offers a holistic education that empowers students to excel in all aspects of life. A Paradigm Shift in Education  Indus International School stands apart by valuing co-curricular activities on par with academics. The Whole Education Programme, Innovation Curriculum, and specialized short courses are integral components of our curriculum, ensuring that students develop the skills and competencies required for success in the modern world. We recognize that true education encompasses creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration, fostering a well-rounded growth mindset. Unlocking Creative Pote