Unleashing Potential: Indus International School Pune's Journey Beyond Academics


Education is not just confined to textbooks at Indus International School Pune; it is a dynamic journey that extends far beyond the traditional classroom. At Indus, we believe in nurturing every student's unique strengths and talents through a rich tapestry of co-curricular activities. With a focus on arts, music, dance, drama, sports, and innovation, Indus International School offers a holistic education that empowers students to excel in all aspects of life.

A Paradigm Shift in Education 

Indus International School stands apart by valuing co-curricular activities on par with academics. The Whole Education Programme, Innovation Curriculum, and specialized short courses are integral components of our curriculum, ensuring that students develop the skills and competencies required for success in the modern world. We recognize that true education encompasses creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration, fostering a well-rounded growth mindset.

Unlocking Creative Potential 

Indus International School provides a platform for students to explore their artistic abilities, encouraging them to express themselves through various mediums. From visual arts to performing arts, our students have the opportunity to unleash their creativity and delve into their passions. Through art, music, dance, and drama, they learn to appreciate diverse forms of expression, develop their talents, and gain confidence in their abilities.

Innovation as a Way of Life

Indus International School takes pride in its Innovation Curriculum, which instills an entrepreneurial spirit and problem-solving mindset in our students. Our Startup School equips budding entrepreneurs with the tools and knowledge to transform their innovative ideas into reality. House Visions provide a unique platform for students to engage in real-world problem-solving, fostering a sense of responsibility and leadership.

Community Engagement and Service 

Indus International School believes in instilling empathy and social responsibility in students. Through Community Service Projects, students actively contribute to the betterment of society, making a tangible impact on the lives of others. These projects not only develop a sense of compassion but also enhance their understanding of the world and their role as global citizens.

Compete and Collaborate

Indus International School encourages healthy competition and teamwork through inter-school tournaments and inter-house competitions. These events provide students with opportunities to showcase their skills, build camaraderie, and develop sportsmanship. Such experiences teach invaluable life lessons of perseverance, teamwork, and resilience, preparing them for challenges beyond the classroom.


Indus International School goes beyond conventional educational practices, nurturing the potential of each student in a holistic manner. By embracing co-curricular activities, innovation, and community engagement, we create an environment that celebrates creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Our students emerge as well-rounded individuals, equipped with the skills and competencies needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Join us at Indus International School, where education transcends textbooks and opens doors to a world of limitless possibilities. Experience the transformative power of co-curricular activities, innovation, and community engagement in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

Discover the extraordinary journey of education at Indus International School, and witness your child's talents flourish like never before. 


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